Person finder Netherlands – People search in Holland

The search for people in the Netherlands is a frequently requested task. As a neighbouring country of Germany, there is a regular exchange. People move from here to there and vice versa. In business life, there is a lively trade.

So there is no getting around the fact that the people in the countries know and communicate with each other. Sometimes it happens that someone loses contact with a person who lives in the Netherlands. But how can you now find the address of this person?

People search Netherlands

Research via the telephone directory in the Netherlands

If you want to try to find an address in the Netherlands yourself, you can take a look at the telephone book. However, this only works if the person has a phone number that is also publicly listed. Everyone can choose whether his phone number should be published or not.

The most extensive information can be obtained from

  • (similar to White Pages)

Another source that can be recommended is the yellow pages


But: By far not all phone numbers are publicly listed in the white pages.

Search for people in Holland via the Internet

In principle, the search for people in the Netherlands also works via the internet. The most commonly used web pages for your search are:


Hyves used to be a great way to find people. However, this network is offline now and archive searches are not possible.

Search for people and addresses carried out by professionals in the Netherlands

Because you have only limited options to find someone in the Netherlands, it is good for you to know that our private investigators have excellent chances to find a person you are looking for in Holland. People Search in the Netherlands is our business.

If we are to find people, however, we need some data. Ideally, we need the first name, last name, date of birth and an old address. But often less information is enough to find someone with whom you have lost contact.

Our success rate to find a person in the Netherlands is around 87 percent. That’s quite a good rate, we think. You can’t find every missing person. Sometimes there is too little information, sometimes the data is wrong and sometimes a person is already dead.

If someone is lost, then that is not a job for an investigator. In this case we suggest to contact the Rode Kruis Nederland (Red Cross).


In which cities in the Netherlands are people being searched for?

In principle, we can search for addresses in any city in the Netherlands. Large cities receive of course more requests for an address research than smaller ones. The most common requests for an address search in the Netherlands are from the following cities:

  • Amsterdam
  • Rotterdam
  • The Hague (Den Haag)
  • Utrecht
  • Eindhoven
  • Arnhem
  • Enschede

However we can carry out a professional address research and people search in every city and municipality in the Netherlands.

Get in touch with us and let us explain how our investigator can help you find the address that you are looking for.

Is there a central information centre for addresses in the Netherlands?

If you suspect a person to be living in the Netherlands and you do not have any other search criteria, it is not possible to search for addresses via the registration offices in the Netherlands.

There used to be a central register for the whole of the Netherlands. That was the Bureau Vestigings Register. However, this office was reorganized some time ago and no longer provides the current personal information. This source of public records has thus dried up.

There is still a national civil register. The Agentschap BPR (Agentschap Basisadministratie Persoonsgegevens en Rijsdocumenten).  However, due to strict data protection regulations, you will not receive any information concerning the addresses of Dutch citizens there.

Enquiries about the municipal administration

If you have the exact place of residence of the person you are looking for, you can as a private person make a direct enquiry. However, you will only have a chance to obtain information if the respective regulation of the municipality has an ordinance that allows information to be provided to non-Dutch people.

You can find the web addresses of the municipalities here:


Basically, correspondence is not in English.

You must also provide a legally compliant justification for the person search in order to have a chance to obtain information.

In which cases is the person search carried out in the Netherlands?

Typical cases for an investigation in the Netherlands are:

  • Search for debtors (also maintenance debtors)
  • Investigations for missing persons
  • Search for old friends
  • Looking for heirs
  • Search for relatives

JMMPI searches for people and addresses in the Netherlands for you

You can save yourself a lot of work by entrusting us with the search in the Netherlands right away. Send us your enquiry using the contact form.

All information will be treated confidentially. The investigation will be handled discreetly when we searc people in the Netherlands.

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